$ 27.98 USD
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Childe Hassam Deluxe Treasury # 2-Three Counted Cross Stitch Patterns Charts

BONUS: 3 charts for the price of 2!

We are pleased to offer: THREE Orenco Originals Counted Cross Stitch Charts, Patterns, Graphs

  • Pattern #1: Woman in a White Dory Boat. The Finished size of each chart when stitched will be: 12 inches (168 stitches) by 14 inches (196 Stitches).
  • Pattern #2: Breakfast in a French Tea Garden. The Finished size of each chart when stitched will be: 16 inches (224 stitches) by 14 inches (196 Stitches).
  • Pattern #3: Gazing At Sea Porch on Isle of Shoals. The Finished size of each chart when stitched will be: 14 inches (196 stitches) by 14 inches (196 Stitches).

What You Receive:

You will receive 3 complete patterns.

Each pattern consists of:

  • Each pattern has 2 versions of each chart both printed in black ink on bright white 11" by 17" paper. Both Charts are for 14 count fabric.
  • Chart Version #1 is a single page chart. Chart Version #2 (tired eyes) is a 4-page enlarged chart that eases eye strain.
  • A color illustration.
  • Counted cross stitch instructions.
  • List of DMC Floss colors needed to finish the project

*** This is not a Kit. No fabric or floss are included in this Purchase***

This is product is for patterns that are used to sew and to create a cross stitch picture. This is NOT a completed product. It is NOT a kit, it contains no floss or fabric.

What Inspired These Patterns:

BONUS: 3 charts for the price of 2! This is a cross-stitch pattern, not a completed product. It is not a kit, and contains no floss or fabric. This chart was inspired by the art of Frederick Childe Hassam. Childe Hassam, 1859 - 1935 was a prominent and prolific American Impressionist painter, noted for his urban and coastal scenes. Along with Mary Cassatt and John Henry Twachtman, Hassam was instrumental in promulgating Impressionism to American collectors, dealers, and the museums. He produced over 3,000 paintings, watercolors, etchings, and lithographs in his career, and was a founding member of The Ten, an influential group of American artists of the early 20th century. His most famous works are the €œFlag€ paintings, completed during World War I.